Ofer Oved


An expert in the fields of B2C and B2B Digital Marketing. Experience as the CEO of “Mccann Erickson”, “HIRO Media” and “TopSoft”.

Verified Expert

Cost-Cutting Through Fractional Sales Manager In-Depth Guide

Cost-Cutting through Fractional Sales Manager In-Depth Guide

Streamlining Expenses with Smart Fractional Sales Management Tactics In today’s cutthroat business landscape, CEOs are constantly grappling with the tug-of-war between driving sales and trimming budgets. The notion of hiring a full-time Vice President of Sales might send shivers down

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Remote Work Revolution How Fractional Executives Thrive

Remote Work Revolution: How Fractional Executives Thrive

Embracing the Future: Thriving as a Fractional Executive in Remote Work Era The COVID-19 pandemic dramatically accelerated the remote work revolution, forcing companies around the world to embrace flexible and distributed work models. This seismic shift has transformed traditional executive

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