Emily Shain

CSO/Customer Service

Seasoned sales and customer service executive with over 15 years of experience working for big brands around the world.

Verified Expert

Remote Work Revolution How Fractional Executives Thrive

Remote Work Revolution: How Fractional Executives Thrive

Embracing the Future: Thriving as a Fractional Executive in Remote Work Era The COVID-19 pandemic dramatically accelerated the remote work revolution, forcing companies around the world to embrace flexible and distributed work models. This seismic shift has transformed traditional executive

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The impact of a fractional CMO on your business strategy

How Fractional CMOs Can Revitalize Your Business Strategy

Leveraging Fractional CMOs for Agile Growth and Innovation Potential In a rapidly shifting market, businesses face the constant challenge of staying ahead while managing costs effectively. Transitioning from traditional, full-time executive roles to more agile solutions can be a key

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Maximizing Business Impact with a Fractional Sales Manager-

Maximizing Business Impact with a Fractional Sales Manager

Unlocking Efficiency and Expertise in Your Sales Strategy In the fast-paced world of business growth, a company’s sales strategy is its lifeline. Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) often grapple with the challenge of finding cost-effective ways to amplify their sales

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